Pittsburgh screenplays wanted
Pittsburgh screenplays wanted

pittsburgh screenplays wanted

We are now accepting scripts of one-act plays for our festival. This year’s festival will be performed in the Cultural District from Thursday June 2nd to Sunday June 12th, 2022, in conjunction with the Three Rivers Arts Festival. The essence of the festival will remain the same to specifically pair artists with cultural differences to learn and grow together through the new play development process. We also encourage those of various identities to apply including, but not limited to, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, religious communities, ethnicity, gender and those with access needs or disabilities. As our scope and industry has changed since the inception of the festival, we have expanded our vision to include and encourage those of the global majority (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) in addition to white playwrights and directors to submit. Historically the festival has paired Black and White playwrights and directors, designed to bridge the gap of racial divide in the region.

pittsburgh screenplays wanted

Same Name, New Purpose: This festival has made its mark in Pittsburgh by creating an environment where theatre artists from different backgrounds can come together to create a great theatrical experience. Pittsburgh Playwrights Theatre Company presents the Theatre Festival in Black and White, also affectionately known as the Black and White Fest. Submission Guidelines for PPTCO’s 2022 Theater Festival in Black and White

Pittsburgh screenplays wanted